Monegasque culture
« Pàijeda, a Monegasque martial art, integrates into its practice a vocabulary of around forty words, in the Monegasque language, allowing our discipline to also become a vector favouring knowledge of the culture of the Principality of Monaco » clarifies Claude Pouget
With the kind contribution of Mrs. Karyn Ardisson Salopek and Mr. Stéphan Maggi, Monegasque teacher
A So’ Altessa Serenìssima u Prìncipu Albertu Segundu de Mùnegu | His Serene Highness Prince Alber II of Monaco | |
Principatu de Mùnegu | Principality of Monaco | |
Mùnegu | Monaco | |
L’inu naçiunale | The National anthem | |
U Palaçi | The Palace | |
A Roca | The Rock | |
Munte-Carlu | Monte-Carlo | |
Russu | Red | |
Giancu | White |
Arte d’a defesa | Defense art | |
Sport de cumbatimentu | Fighting sport | |
Value ètiche | Ethical values | |
Respetu d’ë règüle | Rules respect |
Arte d’a pàije | Peace art | |
Arte d’a feliçità | Happiness art | |
Arte d’u ben stà | Art of Well-being | |
A feliçità | Happiness | |
U ben stà | The well-being | |
Fà cresce l’amiçìçia | Cultivate friendship | |
Armunia | Harmony | |
Cœ | Hearth |
Bungiurnu | Hello | |
A se revëde | Goodbye | |
A ben vite | See you soon | |
Scì | Yes | |
Non | No | |
Merçì | Thank you | |
Per pieijè | Please | |
Per pieijè | Please | |
Perfetu | Perfect | |
Feliçitaçiùn | Congratulation | |
Ecelente | Excellent | |
Prun ben | Very well | |
Bravu (-i / -a / -e) | Well done | |
Ben | Good | |
Meyu | Better | |
Ancura | Again | |
Scàiji | Almost | |
È pa cuscì | It’s not that | |
Purì fà meyu | You can do better | |
Poi fà meyu | You can do better |
Ün | One | |
Dui | Two | |
Trei | Three | |
Qatru | Four | |
Çinqe | Five | |
Sei | Six | |
Sete | Seven | |
Œtu | Eight | |
Nœve | Nine | |
Dèije | Ten |
Amigu | Friend | |
Prufessù | Professor | |
Praticante | Practioner | |
Partenari | Partner | |
Aversari | Opponent | |
L’atacante | The attacker | |
U defensù | The defender | |
Cumpetiçiùn | Competition | |
Cumpetitù | Competitor | |
Atleta | Athlete |
Sala d’üntrainamentu | Training gym | |
Üntrainamentu | Training | |
Ün eserçici | Exercise | |
De eserçici | Exercises | |
Eserçiçi | Exercises | |
Eserçiçi per fà cresce a vostra determinaçiùn | Exercise to enhance your determination | |
Eserçiçi de relasciamentu | Relaxation exercise | |
Eserçiçi de cunçentraçiùn | Focussing exercise | |
Giœghi edücativi | Educational games | |
Amüsante | Recreational | |
Upusiçiue | Oppositions |
Vigilança | Alertness | |
Alarma | Wakefulness | |
Respiraçiùn | Breathing | |
Relasciamentu | Relaxation | |
Cuncentraçiùn | Concentrate | |
Meditaçiùn | Meditation | |
Scutè | Listen | |
Cuncentrè-ve | Concentrate | |
Cosa ne pensè ? | What do you think ? |
Salütu | Hello | |
Salütà | Greet | |
Salütè / Salütè-ve | Greetings | |
Pruntu | Ready | |
Ün gàrdia | On guard | |
Daghe | Action | |
Basta | Stop | |
Pàusa | Rest / As you were / At ease |
Scaudamentu | Warming up | |
Tempu per u scaudamentu | Warming up phase | |
Per ativà u co | Cardio-vascular stimulation | |
Mubilità articülària | Joint mobility | |
Se stirà | Stretching | |
Força | Force |
Rulade | Rolling | |
Stramachi | Falls | |
Pusiçiùn de gàrdia | En garde position | |
Pusiçiùn iniçiala | Starting position | |
Ün gàrdia | En garde | |
Gàrdia seneca | Left guard | |
Gàrdia drita | Right guard | |
Pügnu avanti | Fist forward | |
Pügnu darrè | Fist back | |
Pen avanti | Foot forward | |
Pen darrè | Foot back | |
Man avanti | Hand forward | |
Man darrè | Hand back | |
Gùmiu avanti | Elbow forward | |
Gùmiu darrè | Elbow back | |
Zenuyu avanti | Knee forward | |
Zenuyu darrè | Knee back | |
Custà suriyu | Sun side | |
Custà lüna | Moon side | |
Gàrdia custà suriyu | Sun side guard | |
Gàrdia custà lüna | Moon side guard | |
Pusiçiùn de gàrdia e despiaçamenti | En garde position and movements | |
Despiaçamenti | Movings | |
Punti sensìbili | Sensitive points | |
Cumbatimentu per terra | Ground fighting | |
Cumbatimentu dritu | Stand-up fighting | |
Sitüaçiùn cun arme | Case with weapons | |
Bastùn | Foam baton | |
Cutelu | Knife | |
Sitüaçiùn cun ugetu | Case with an object | |
Tèchniche par dà de càussi e pügni | Striking techniques | |
Boxa pei / pügni | Boxing with feet/fists | |
Boxa lìbera | Free boxing | |
Boxa munegasca | Monegasque boxing | |
Tèchniche per ciapà | Gripping techniques | |
Lüta lìbera | Free wrestling | |
Lüta munegasca | Monegasque wrestling | |
Tèchniche a terra | Ground techniques | |
Tèchniche per abandunà | Release techniques | |
Tèchniche per se defende | Defense technics | |
Cuma se defende | Means of defenser | |
Defesa contra bastùn | Defence against a baton | |
Defesa contra cutelu | Defence against a knife | |
Defesa cun ugeti | Defence with objects |
Presentaçiùn | Presentation | |
Lèssicu françese – munegascu | French-monegasque glossary | |
Regülamentu tècnicu | Technical regulations | |
Regülamentu spurtivu | Sporting regulations | |
Regülamentu amatù / üntrainamentu tempu lìberu | Regulations for the leisure activity | |
Föra cumpetiçiùn | Outside competition | |
Per i üntrainamenti e i esami d’i gradi | For coaching and grade exams | |
Regülamentu cumpetiçiùn | Regulations for competitions | |
Assàutu | Light attack | |
Sport de cumbatimentu de cumpetiçiùn | Competition fighting sport | |
Cumpetiçiùn | Competition | |
Règüle | Rules | |
Respestu d’ë règüle | Rules respect | |
Giüge | Judge | |
Àrbitru | Referee | |
Separè-ve | Pull back | |
Arbitrage | Arbitrage | |
Giügiamentu | Judging | |
Drapeu | Flag | |
Drapei | Flags | |
Eqipa « Elite » / d’i ciû bravi | Elite team | |
Campiùn | Champion | |
Cumpetitù | Competitor | |
Giœghi ulìmpichi | Olympics games | |
Vitòria | Victory | |
Egalità | Drawn match | |
Deruta | Defeat | |
Disqalificaçiùn | Disqualification | |
Ün puntu | One point | |
Dui punti | Two points | |
Trei punti | Three points | |
Avantage | Advantage | |
Avertimëntu | Warning |